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    Anzac Highway 第 10 站 兩層房屋, 上層2 房出租 (保證滿意)

    wongyiyin@HK 发表于 11-7-2012 19:12:17 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    1131 1


    房東是印度夫妻, 有3个女兒, 6 至 13 歲, 女主人是我同學, nursing student. 他們已经來 Adelaide near 20 years. All the children bron in Adeliade. 房子非常新, 有 2 層, 現在上層其中 2 房出租, 全家具, They used to have home stay students before over 7 years, so, they get used to live with oversea students. 因為女房東現在要上学, 沒辨法照顧 home stay student 了, 所以想出租房間, 比較容易一點.  They all very easy going and helpful. U feel free ask help for them. If u want to practise English, that is a right place to stay, as all children both in Australia. They also got piano, u r welcome to play.
    Look forward to see u. Pls contact me, I can send u the photos or contact her directly to inspect the house.

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     楼主| wongyiyin@HK 发表于 13-7-2012 00:26:40
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