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  • 楼主: No.77
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    求教:关于medibank OSHC;及准妈妈的11个问题咨询;求CITY及周围好的华人GP

    kiranher 发表于 6-2-2012 17:41:54
    No.77 发表于 2012-2-6 17:07
    恩啦,那我这个保险去WCH做私立病人可以吗?  因为我在我这个保险,就是medibank的OSHC里面找到个这个:

    這裡說了,你想要保險cover你做私立病人的費用的話,必須已經使用這個保險有1年以上,你的保險是上年10月開始付費的,就是要到今年10月的時候,他們才會給你付pregnancy-related services 的私立病人的相關費用。 你生的時候可能剛好來的及,但是產檢什麽的是來不及的了。

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     楼主| No.77 发表于 6-2-2012 17:07:03
    kiranher 发表于 2012-2-6 16:51
    回复 No.77 的帖子

    不用再找GP了,直接打電話跟醫院預約產檢就行了,現在預約就剛好了,book四個禮拜以後的 ...

    恩啦,那我这个保险去WCH做私立病人可以吗?  因为我在我这个保险,就是medibank的OSHC里面找到个这个:


    Cover for hospital treatmentMedibank Overseas Student Health Cover helps with the cost of treatment in a private hospital or in a public hospital as a private patient. It also allows you to choose your own doctor and which hospital you'd prefer to attend.

    What benefits are paid?

    For the services included under Overseas Student Health Cover we'll pay benefits towards:

    Private hospital accommodation
    Overnight admissions in a private or shared room
    Same day admissions
    Intensive care
    Theatre fees
    Public hospital accommodation as a private patient
    Overnight admissions (shared room only)
    Same day admissions (shared room only)
    Outpatient accidents and emergency department fees, including outpatient medical and post-operative services (fees raised by the hospital for treatment where you are not an admitted patient)
    Theatre fees
    Surgically implanted prostheses and other items on the Federal Government's Prostheses Schedule
    Members' Choice hospitals

    Generally when you visit any hospital, there will be additional costs that you will not be covered for. We call these out-of-pocket expenses. However if you visit one of our Members' Choice private hospitals you can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

    Our Members' Choice hospital network is one of the largest in Australia, covering more private hospitals than any other health fund.

    Plus, at most Members' Choice hospitals you can expect to be covered for things that you wouldn't generally be covered for at a non Members' Choice hospital like in-hospital physiotherapy to aid your recovery, local phone calls, TV and newspapers.

    12 months for obstetrics and pregnancy-related services
    12 months for pre-existing conditions (excluding psychiatric treatment)
    Services we pay benefits for
    Services we don't pay benefits for.

    所以挺混乱的我现在- -
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    kiranher 发表于 6-2-2012 15:51:35
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     楼主| No.77 发表于 6-2-2012 14:16:04
    kiranher 发表于 2012-2-5 17:41
    回复 No.77 的帖子

    你要去公立醫院的話,是應該打電話去預約第一次產檢了, 電話號碼我上面留過給你了。 其 ...

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    lllo_Olll 发表于 6-2-2012 13:19:56
    回复 笑笑榛 的帖子

    CLARINS   DJ有卖~
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    笑笑榛 发表于 6-2-2012 12:38:33
    lllo_Olll 发表于 2012-2-3 23:56
    我专门去买了娇韵诗的产品,都说是孕妇适宜的牌子,而 ...

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    kiranher 发表于 5-2-2012 16:41:01
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    你要去公立醫院的話,是應該打電話去預約第一次產檢了, 電話號碼我上面留過給你了。 其實公立醫院設備齊全,醫生經驗豐富,是很不錯的選擇。

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     楼主| No.77 发表于 5-2-2012 16:15:58
    kiranher 发表于 2012-2-5 15:42
    OHSC在公立醫院做公立病人是可以全報銷的,我的是AHM的就可以,不同的公司分別應該不大。但是OSHC在私立醫院 ...

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     楼主| No.77 发表于 5-2-2012 16:14:18
    whoareyou 发表于 2012-2-5 15:30
    我在public医院上班,感觉和private的没有什么区别。 我的同事都是在PUBLIC生的, 服务都很好的。

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    kiranher 发表于 5-2-2012 14:42:11
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