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1-----$10 Marketing Engineering
2-----$10 Analysis of Economic Data
3-----$10 Mathematical Studies
4-----$10 Economics for Business
5-----$10 Financial Planning in Australia
6-----$10 Management Information Systems
7-----$10 International Finance
8-----$10 日语 Yookoso
9-----$10 Accounting for business decisions
10----$10 An introduction to the law of Contract
11----$10 Understanding Company Law
12----$10 柯林斯英英词典
13----$10 CPA Accounting Handbook
14----$15 微观经济学 Micro Economics(textbook + reading)
15----$15 宏观经济学 MACRO ECONOMICS 8TH(textbook+reading)
16----$15 Accounting
17----$20 Communicating in the 21st Century
1:$10 Marketing Engineering
2: $10 Analysis of Economic Data
3: $10 Mathematical Studies
4: $10 Economics for Business
5: $10 Financial Planning in Australia
6: $10 Management Information Systems
7: $10 International Finance
8:$10 日语 Yookoso
9: $10 Accounting for business decisions
10: $10 An introduction to the law of Contract
11: $10 Understanding Company Law
12: $10 柯林斯英英词典
13:$10 CPA Accounting Handbook (注:这本是09版的,虽然现在已经不用了。但是实际上考的内容都在里面,几乎没有变化,考试也可以用)
14: $15 微观经济学 Micro Economics(textbook + reading)
15:$15 宏观经济学 MACRO ECONOMICS 8TH(textbook+reading)
16:$15 Accounting
17:$20 Communicating in the 21st Century