本帖最后由 appleorange 于 2012-7-22 20:52 编辑
Companiesand partnership law Graw, S 2007, An Outline ofthe Law of Partnership,3th edn, Thomson Lawbook Co (Thomson Reuters),Pyrmont, NSW, Australia Lipton, P, Herzberg, A & Welsh M ,Understanding Company Law,15thedn, Thomson Lawbook Co (Thomson Reuters), Pyrmont, NSW, Australia
(TWO) $65
Accounting text book Hoggett, John, Medlin, John, Edwards, Lew, Tilling, Matt and Hogg,Evelyn,Accounting, 7e thedn, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane
Taxation Law Woellner, et al 2011, AustralianTaxation Law, 21nd Edition, CCH, SydneyBarkoczy 2011,Core Tax Legislation, 14th Edition , CCH, Sydney
(TWO) $65
Auditing Arens, Best, Shailer, Fiedler, Elder, Beasley , Auditing, Assurance Services, and Ethics inAustralia - An Integrated Approach, 8th edition, Pearson Australia,SydneyCPA Australia 2011, Auditing,Assurance and Ethics Handbook, 11th edn, Pearson Australia, Sydney
(TWO) $65
Desktop publishing for business Text book (latest edition)
Phone number: 0450721201