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  • 4 Wadham Street Brompton SA 5007

    浏览人气 : 2998
    4 Wadham Street Brompton SA 5007 Property Number : 1166638 价格 : $469,000 3 2 1


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    4 Wadham Street Brompton SA 5007



    Deceptively Spacious Two Storey 'Torrens Title' Modern Residence

    Do not hesitate to inspect this hidden delight in quiet residential location.

    Modern and freshly painted two storey, 'Torrens Titled' residence offers most flexible floor plan with three good sized bedrooms and two bathrooms giving ensuite facilities to two bedrooms.

    Enjoy open plan living with large kitchen overlooking dining and living room and opening into delightful paved and landscaped courtyard. The kitchen boasts great cupboard space, huge working bench (which can also be used as breakfast bar), quality stainless steel appliances with gas bench top hot plate, under bench oven and range hood.

    Other features to make your life enjoyable include modern window treatments and light fittings, four separate split system reverse cycle air-conditioning units and quality fixtures and fittings. The style is contemporary with a modern grey and white theme throughout.

    Enviable location in quiet 'No Through' street amongst an ecclectic blend of quaint character homes and modern residences. Invest in Brompton and secure your future in this most popular near city location just 1.5 kms from the buzz of North Adelaide and two train stops from CBD.

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