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    [商科类] 阿大 UniSA Communication/Commical, Tax Law/Accounting Auditing手册

    hanby012 发表于 25-6-2017 16:50:20 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    出售各类二手书,联系电话0415 377 899 (短信)

    管理会计 MA 30刀
    Horngren, C, Datar, S, Rajan, M, Wynder, M, Maguire, W & Tan, R 2011, Cost accounting: a managerial emphasis, 1st edn, Pearson Education Australia, Australia

    会计基础 30刀
    Ratnam Alagiah 2011, Accounting for Business Decisions, 1st edn, Pearson Australia, Australia  

    Stephen Graw 2012, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 7th edn, Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, Australia

    Phillip Lipton, Abe Herzberg & Michelle Welsh 2012, Understanding Company Law, 16th edn, Thomson Reuters, Australia

    税法 Taxation Law 50刀
    Sadiq, Coleman, Hanegbi, Jogarajan, Krever, Obst, Teoh & Ting 2016, Principles of Taxation Law, Thomson Reuters, Australia

    Taxation Law 两本一起40刀
    Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans, Dale Pinto 2014, Australian Taxation Law, 24th edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne

    Stephen Barkoczy 2014, Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide, 17th edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne

    审计手册 Auditing Handbook 50刀
    Stephanie Kemp, Auditing and Assurance Handbook 2015, Wiley, Australia

    Communication 50刀
    Baden Eunson 2012, Communicating in the 21st Century, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Limited, Austialia

    AA会计手册 2013 30刀,2015 50刀
    Claire Locke, Financial Reporting Handbook 2013, Wiley, Australia
    Claire Locke, Financial Reporting Handbook 2015, Wiley, Australia

    经济学 30刀
    Joshua Gans,Stephen King,Robin Stonecash,N. Gregory Mankiw 2012, Principles of Economics, 5th edn, Cengage Learning Australia, Australia

    夏普 金融计算器 EL-738 40刀

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