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Emma1992 发表于 8-10-2014 13:52:27
i want type in chinese but my friends computer can not type chinese.....im emma.
we are couple with a tiny dog, breed is maltese and top poodle, i can show photo to you''
Information about us: im female uni student, my husband is unemployed but take salary from govenment, our dog is maltese and toypoodle,its clean and tiny.
Requirement: one or two bedroom house or unit with one carpark, a small yard for our dog,take house,no share.
i prefer to north surberb,such as prospect or north adelaide.other surberb is ok if it is quiet
if it is house, i dont want add house made in wood behind main house. it is difficult for me to express this...
Others: our dog have his own house,we didnt sleep with him in one room even in one house.
we have funiture,so if your house no funiture,thats ok
normally, i can accept $260/week, but this price is negotiable,it depends on your house qualilty and environment
we can move in before 10th november, it means if another tenant rent out home now,we can move early but not later than 10th of november.
If you have any house or unit suit us, call me as soon as possible, my phone number is 0416989652, we can chatting in chinese. or my wechat: a70530404. thank you for check my post patiently.
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