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    [5k-10k] 2006 Toyota Corolla Conquest可议价8000刀,刚做完大service车况非常好1.8L经济省油

    eileen007 发表于 12-8-2014 19:27:21 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    2296 2


    本帖最后由 eileen007 于 2014-9-5 11:26 编辑

    Price is negotiable.

    Reg to 15/11/14, lady driver, non smoker, just did a full service on 07/08/2014, changed new brake pads, new battery and engine oil.  Only 120,700km. Great first car, used as student car to and from uni. Excellent mechanical condition and very clean inside the car.

    I have got this metallic silver 2006 Toyota Corolla Conquest since 11/2013 from a local car dealer. I only drive less than 4kms until now. No problem at all. Very economical and easy to drive. Regular service every 10,000kms, logbook available and spare key as well. Great ice cold air conditioning works for this coming summer.

    It has tinted windows, Toyota car mats and all the standard fittings for this make and model incl power windows and mirrors,map reading lights, driver and passenger airbags, large boot with back seat folding down, remote control locking, power steering and ABS brakes.

    Since this is my first car, it has some scatchs and one dent as shown on the pics. They all happened when I was parking, no crash at all. Price is negotiable or I can have them all fixed. I have a reliable friend owns local car crash repair and has a very good quote to make it as new. No time wasting, only sell it because I move closer to city and catch a bus now.
    车况非常好,8月7号刚做完大service,刹车板换了全新的澳洲质量最好的牌子的,发动机油也更新了,电池也刚换了新的,这辆车虽然1.8L但是启动非常给力,开起来特别顺,我去年买车是为了打工和实习,现在需要钱交学费必须卖车,去年11月从car dealer处入手,质量有保证,regular service,除了车外观因为本人停车倒车实在是不给力有碰擦痕迹,其他完全没问题,车子内部非常干净,就我一个人用。。。买到手才开了4K不到。。。



    电话 0430572106
    微信 eileen007weixin

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