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    jessiwc 发表于 7-6-2013 21:40:23 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    578 1


    以下是我帮我房东发的,人很nice,没有任何担心,一个local房东一个中国房东(夫妻),还有一位舍友。We have one newly furnished room remaining in a spacious four bedroom townhouse situated next to the Torrens Linear Park, only 5km from the Adelaide CBD and 5km from Henley Beach.

    Public transport (H22) stops at our doorstep making this the perfect opportunity a student attending Adelaide University or UniSA.

    This relatively new town house features:

    -Ffurnished room with lock
    --Single bed
    --Double sliding wardrobe
    --Desk with light / chair
    --TV / DVD
    -Ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling (Good for winter and muggy summer days)
    -Ducted evaporative cooling (Efficent for summer)
    -Large gas oven and dishwasher
    -Two fridges, chest freezer, and cupboard space (no need for your own kitchen equiment though)
    -Solar electricity and instant-on gas hot water.
    -Large bathroom with spa ready for you to use
    -Unlimited ADSL2+ internet with business grade hardware meaning every housemate will get their fair share

    This house is right next to the Torrens Linear Park which is perfect for walks or bike rides in the fresh air to the City or Henley Beach.

    We are young professionals who are quiet and keep to ourselves and respect each others privacy. We are looking for someone similar or a student who will fit in. International students more than welcome as this is my fiance's background.

    Utility bills (Usage only - I cover supply charge) are not included. Average quarterly water is $60, average quarterly gas usage is $30 and we haven't had an electricity bill since Aug 2012. This works out to be less than $7 per week and is much cheaper than what I would add onto the rent if bills were to be included to cover the risk of excessive usage. We all only pay for what we use and everyone tries to conserve.

    Please no couples, or pets.For more information please do not hesitate to call.

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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     楼主| jessiwc 发表于 7-6-2013 21:41:48
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