本帖最后由 Tomxue 于 2011-7-30 20:54 编辑
Cavusgil, S. Tamer & Knight, G & Riesenberger JR 2008, International business : strategy, management, and the new realities, Upper saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall.--------------$ 60 Jim B 2009, Principles and practice of marketing, 2nd edn, Andover, Hampshire, U.K. : South-Western/Cengage Learning. ---------$ 60 James A. Brickley, Clifford W. Smith, Jerold L. Zimmerman 2009, Managerial economics and organizational architecture, 5th edn, Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ---------------$ 60 Dornbusch, R 2006, Macroeconomics, 2nd edn, North Ryde : McGraw-Hill. ---------$ 30 Selvanathan, A…et al 2007, Australian business statistics, 4th edn, South Melbourne : Thomson.---------------$ 10 Fisher, G…et al.2006, International business : managing in the Asia-Pacific, 3rd edn, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. : Pearson Education Australia. ------------$ 65 Pugel, TA 2009, International economics, 14th edn, Boston : McGraw-Hill Irwin.-----------------$ 70 Dowling P, Festing M & Engle AD 2008, International human resource management : managing people in a multinational context, 5th edn, South Melbourne, Vic. : Thomson.---------------$ 50 Cateora, PR & Gilly, MC & Graham, JL 2011, International marketing, 15th edn, New York, NY : McGraw-Hill/Irwin.-----------------$ 75