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    [出售中] 咖啡店出售

    叮当喵 发表于 9-8-2018 14:43:46
    7927 1



    诚意出售咖啡店, 位置优越, 临近City 及Norwood旺街,此店已营运超過28年。

    目前营业周一至周五上午7:30至下午3:00, 可增晚上及周末营业。此店可作其他食市经营,设备尤新齐全、环境优雅、大量座位、可堂食/外卖/私人及公司聚歺。繁华地段,租金适宜。


    售价 $100,000 or o.n.o.,非诚勿扰。

    請連絡Helen 0408 889 980
    郵箱:[email protected]

    Fully established business for sale near to the city and close to the busy precinct of Norwood surrounded by many retail shops, businesses, schools, factories and a large residential area

    The business location has been an eatery for over 28 years and we have been running it for 2 years.

    With all near new equipment and a large sitting area this premises is perfect. This cafe is set up and ideal for any cuisine and great for both dine in or takeaway. The cafe also provides catering for both private and corporate functions of all sizes. The shop is ready to go and can start trading immediately after settlement. Rent is reasonably priced for such an ideal location.

    A rare opportunity hard to find, the shop has a rear residential attachment which is included in the deal. A lovely 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen, living and dinning area with a large yard you can't get it any better only a hop, skip and a jump to the shop door.

    Currently trading 5 days a week from 7.30am till 3pm with the potential to expand to evenings and weekends. Also a great way to promote this cafe would be to join Uber Eats; the largest on demand meal delivery service.

    Only serious and genuine buyers to contact please.

    This business is ideal for any couple or family setup. It's a very easy business to run.

    Price $100,000 or o.n.o.

    You can send email to Helen
    0408 889 980
    [email protected] to receive further information and to arrange a meeting it's a great opportunity.

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