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  • 一女生求租东区或东南区房间,二月中旬入住。

    查看数: 1454 | 评论数: 3 | 收藏 0
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    发布时间: 23-1-2016 12:13


    一位女生,求租东区或东南区房间,最好带独立卫浴,或者共用浴室的人不多也行,二月13号左右入住 这是我的微信号


    fanyukang004 发表于 5-2-2016 00:15:16
    Nice room in Frewville , English speaking environment, quiet house for living . $150 per week including all bills. 4 minute walking to bus stops 861, 863 and 864, shopping centre, very close to the City as well. It is available now.

    Please contact phone 0434082948, QQ or WECHAT :3146784576
    yumcha 发表于 31-1-2016 23:16:18
    Big room to rent $ 165 at Hazelwood Park, only share bathroom with other  one roommate.  Friendly house mates. PLease call 0434 494 283
    kalf 发表于 27-1-2016 09:35:27
    http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/f ... &extra=page%3D1

    南邊 近city Clarence Park 一屋四房 全新裝修 新傢電

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