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  • 火车第一站,两层楼两卧室townhouse招租一人 $165 大房间155小房间

    查看数: 1447 | 评论数: 3 | 收藏 0
    关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
    发布时间: 4-2-2014 22:03


    本帖最后由 mmsdavid1214 于 2014-3-19 20:28 编辑 Close to city and tram, easy for uni SA student. 2floors town house, ground floor- living room, kitchen, laundry room, one toilet. First floor- 2 bed ...


    wwy199 发表于 7-2-2014 11:37:11
    本帖最后由 wwy199 于 2014-2-7 11:38 编辑

    I cant access the website.
    Could U send some picture through QQ/whatspp/wechat?
    mmsdavid1214 发表于 4-2-2014 22:09:13
    gumtree.com.au/m-my-ad.html?adId=1038047692  由于 bbs 的傻逼规矩 请查看gumtree 查看图片
    mmsdavid1214 发表于 4-2-2014 22:08:53
    gumtree.com.au/m-my-ad.html?adId=1038047692由于 bbs 的傻逼规矩 请查看gumtree 查看图片

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