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  • *~HOT~* 市中心2房2廳apartment出租, 可養竉物!

    查看数: 1496 | 评论数: 12 | 收藏 0
    关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
    发布时间: 16-1-2012 22:13


    本帖最后由 carmenwong.li 于 2012-1-17 19:19 编辑 市中心2房2廳apartment出租 2大卧室, 1客廳, 1飯廳, 1浴室, 1廚房, 有空調 家具全包 (雙人床 x 2, 衣櫃, 儲物櫃, 沙發, 電視, 飯桌&椅, 洗衣機, 乾 ...


    astromiumiu 发表于 26-1-2012 23:01:40
    carmenwong.li 发表于 26-1-2012 13:22:24
    carmenwong.li 发表于 24-1-2012 19:46:49
    Up up up up up
    carmenwong.li 发表于 23-1-2012 22:50:33
    go up up up!
    番茄889 发表于 20-1-2012 16:41:14
    already sent email to you.please check it. or can i add your MSN ?
    carmenwong.li 发表于 20-1-2012 09:53:08
    回复 eozxk 的帖子

    The tenant have to bear to the utility cost but at the meantime tenant can sub-rent the property to share those bills as there is no restriction on number of people staying in the apartment.
    carmenwong.li 发表于 20-1-2012 09:52:27
    The tenant have to bear to the utility cost but at the meantime tenant can sub-rent the property to share those bills as there is no restriction on number of people staying in the apartment.
    eozxk 发表于 19-1-2012 20:04:35
    carmenwong.li 发表于 19-1-2012 14:54:07

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