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  • TTP Plaza O-Bahn半分钟单人间特惠价

    查看数: 3069 | 评论数: 7 | 收藏 0
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    发布时间: 14-2-2024 11:18


    三室两厅的房子,有两个单人间出租,男女生不限。 地址就在Tea Tree Plaza 和 O-Bahn的隔壁,走路不到半分钟,是一个单独的小区内,非常安静。 去City坐O-Bahn公交车,线路超多,有541,541x, 542, 542x,543,5 ...


    Godson 发表于 26-2-2024 13:16:39
    It may take a couple of days for him to get back to your emails because he usually comes form work late. Thanks for your patience.
    alma 发表于 25-2-2024 20:57:38
    Do you have his phone number? he didn't reply to emails
    Godson 发表于 23-2-2024 14:09:49
    Please contact Cori by email [email protected] in English for more details. Cori is an Australian and he does not speak Chinese.
    Godson 发表于 22-2-2024 08:57:31
    up up up
    Godson 发表于 20-2-2024 08:48:37
    四月的葡萄树 发表于 15-2-2024 12:12

    Please contact Cori by email [email protected] and ask him for his phone number because Cori is an Australian and he does not speak Chinese.
    四月的葡萄树 发表于 15-2-2024 12:12:56
    beatam 发表于 15-2-2024 00:19:10

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