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      楼主: jh_hammer
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 21-9-2008 16:56:11

      这是补昨天的。 20 号的。

      Qantas's first A380 has a happy landing
      QANTAS'S first Airbus A380 superjumbo has touched down at Sydney Airport to rapturous applause from the airline's employees.
      superjumbo大型喷气式飞机  rapturous欢天喜地  applause欢呼
      Hundreds of onlookers had also gathered along the airport perimeter towatch the jet make its historic landing at Kingsford Smith Airport.
      perimeter 周边
      Onboard the delivery flight, Captain Peter Probert, whose father broughtthe first Boeing 747 into Australia in 1971, told passengers that theflight had been a career highlight.

      "It's one of the greatest experiences I've ever had in my life flying the Qantas A380 down to Sydney," he said.

      Beforetouchdown the aircraft performed a series of circuits over some ofSydney's landmarks, flying towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge andpassing over the Opera House.
      circuits 路线
      The superjet left the Europeanplane-maker's home town of Toulouse after a glittering ceremony in theFrench city on Friday night and landed in Sydney about 9am (AEST).
      glittering 闪烁的
      The aircraft was greeted by a large group of the carrier's employees and their families.

      Qantaschief executive Geoff Dixon had attended the handover ceremony inToulouse where he said the Australian carrier planned to boost itsorder for the superjet.
      handover 移交
      "We have started discussions with Airbus about increasing our order of A380s beyond 20," Mr Dixon said.

      Qantasexpects to take delivery of three A380 by the end of this year, anothereight by the end of 2009 and all 20 it has on order by the end of 2013.

      But after receiving its first A380 two years and two monthslater than expected, the Australian carrier cannot be too confidentabout receiving its future jets on time.

      Mr Dixon said theairline was forced to "aggressively" adapt its flight schedules becauseof the Airbus delays, which came about because of a series of technicalissues with the aircraft.
      aggressively 侵蚀性地  adapt使适应

      If it were not for the delays,Qantas would already have eight to 12 of the fuel-efficient A380 jetsby now, he said. But any frustrations over delays were not evidenttoday.
      Aboard the 450-seat plane, a sense of history lingered,with frequent comparisons with 1971 when Qantas introduced the jumbojet, the B747.
      lingered  迟缓
      "It's a huge milestone for Qantas," said flightattendant Todd Whitney, who was very excited to be chosen to be part ofthe Qantas A380 crew for the maiden voyage.
      maiden voyage.  初航
      Not since the introduction of the 747, 30 or so years ago, has there been such a historic event for Qantas.

      Inthe cockpit, first officer Trent Kramer said the A380 was becoming aniconic aircraft already and that it was an incredible aircraft for itssize.

      "It's very sensitive and very manoeuvrable," Mr Kramer said.

      Compared to flying other jets, Mr Kramer said the main difference was that the A380 was much more sophisticated.
      "I came off the A330, but the technology is far more advanced on this aircraft."

      MrKramer said he trained to fly the A380 at the Airbus headquarters lastyear and then flew the aircraft in April and May and had been heavilyinvolved in training on the superjumbo simulator since then.

      "It's a real thrill. It's a great aeroplane and a real step forward for aviation.
      "It's got more space for people so it's a lot more comfortable and ergonomically it's cleaner and greener and quieter."

      Thesuperjet will make its debut commercial flight from Melbourne to LosAngeles on October 20, with its first flight out of Sydney, also to LA,on October 24.
      debut 初次登台
      Flights on the Sydney to London route will begin in February.

      Australia'sfirst female pilot to fly passengers, Ms Nancy-Bird Walton, 92, willattend the official naming ceremony for the aircraft in Sydney onSeptember 30.
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 21-9-2008 17:04:11

      Milk sickness spreads

      A THREE-year-old Hong Kong girl has developed a kidney stoneafter drinking Chinese milk powder, as a major contamination scarespread.
      Four babies have died and more than 6000 are illin mainland China after drinking formula contaminated with anindustrial chemical that has also been found in popular brands ofregular milk, yoghurt and ice cream.
      yoghurt 酸牛奈
      TheHong Kong Government this week ordered a recall of Chinese milk powdermade by dairy giant Yili after discovering it contained the chemical,melamine, which can cause kidney stones.

      But the three-year-old is the first child outside the mainland known to have fallen ill after consuming the product.
      consuming 消耗
      TheHong Kong Government said late Saturday that its health department had"received notification from the Hospital Authority of a case of renaldisease with history of consumption of a milk product adulterated withmelamine."

      The statement said the girl's parents took her to aclinic on Friday to be checked because she had been drinking thepoisoned formula for the past 15 months, although she had no symptoms.
      Doctorsfound a stone in her left kidney and referred her to hospital, but shewas discharged and her condition is good, it said. The hospital said itwould arrange for further treatment.

      The Hong Kong Government has faced criticism that it was slow to act over the contamination scandal.
      It has set up a hotline for concerned parents and is advising people not to consume the affected brands.

      Melamine, normally used to make plastics, was added to milk in China because it boosts the apparent protein content.
      protein content. 蛋白质含量  apparent 外观,表面上
      Since the discovery, several countries have suspended the import and sale of all Chinese-made milk and milk products.

      Theproblem first came to light last week in China's state-controlledmedia, although some Chinese press reports said the scam had been goingon for years, with the country's chaotic and corrupt food safety systemunable either to detect or prevent it.

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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 22-9-2008 13:02:31

      Ancient underwater reef found in SA's Flinders Ranges

      AN ancient underwater reef discovered in South Australia'sOutback could unlock the secrets of the world's climate change history,scientists say.
                                                      Located in South Australia'sFlinders Ranges, the 650-million-year-old reef existed during a periodof humid tropical climate between two major ice ages.
      It had an escarpment 1.1km high - or 10 times higher than the GreatBarrier Reef. It is the only known reef to date to that precise time inhistory - although an 800-million-year-old reef has been discovered inArctic Canada.
      escarpment 悬崖
      University of Melbourne researcher JonathanGiddings says this extreme climate change from ice age to tropicalconditions and back again took place 750 to 550 million years ago -hundreds of millions of years before dinosaurs roamed the Earth - andwas one of the most tumultuous climatic periods of Earth's history.
      roamed 漫游 tumultuous 骚动
      "Thisreef is an internationally significant discovery because it provides asignificant step forward in showing the extent of climate change inEarth's past and the evolution of ancient reef complexes - and it alsocontains fossils which may be of the earliest known primitive animals,"Mr Giddings said.

      "From a climate change point of view, thisreef provides an important record of what was happening in the ocean650 million years ago.

      "The chemistry of the reef and othersediments forming in the ocean at the same time show the ocean waspoorly mixed, and this may have had an effect on Earth's climate atthat time by allowing carbon to be trapped in the ocean's depths."
      Unlike the Great Barrier Reef, this reef was not made by coral - itwas constructed by microbial organisms and other more complex organismsthat have not been previously discovered. The limestone depositsoriginally laid down by these organisms can be seen by satellite,revealing the full extent of the reef.
      The scientists are referring to the reef as Oodnaminta Reef, given it is located near an old hut called Oodnaminta Hut.
      Associate Professor Malcolm Wallace says the reef is exposed atground level, making it very easy for scientists to read its secrets.

      "Thesection of the reef showing at ground level is around 20km wide,demonstrating just how big this ancient reef was,'' he said.

      "Thiswhole section can be driven or walked along, which makes it extremelyeasy for scientists to travel back through the reef's 5-10-million-yearhistory in the space of minutes if you are driving.''

      The scientists will outline their discovery at the University of Melbourne on Thursday.
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      汐残 发表于 22-9-2008 13:30:06
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      小天狼星 发表于 22-9-2008 18:13:24
      好贴  ~ ~ 帮顶 !~~~:laugh:
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      yoyyo2000 发表于 22-9-2008 19:27:57
      :encourage: :encourage: :encourage: :encourage: :encourage: :encourage: :encourage:
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 23-9-2008 10:23:13

      Stocks slump over bailout jitters

      Wall Street had another volatile session overnight amiddoubts over the US government's $700-billion bailout of the bankingsector.
      volatile 挥发的,蒸发的  session一端时间 overnight 一整夜  bankingsector银行部门
      US shares plunged overnight, with the DowJones Industrial Average sliding 372.75 points or 3.27 per cent toclose at 11,015.69, as markets gave back the gains from a big rallylast Friday.
      RELATED: Oil soars in record gain
      RELATED: Japanese bank buys into Morgan Stanley
      IN-DEPTH: More finance stories

      TheNasdaq composite slumped 94.92 points or 4.17 per cent to 2,178.98, andthe Standard & Poor's 500 index shed 47.99 points or 3.82 per centto 1,207.09.
      slumped 暴跌
      Oil, gold up

      Worriesabout whether the bailout package will pass Congress set off anotherrush into safe haven assets like gold and oil, while the US dollartumbled.
      bailout 用企业资金支付额外股息 Congress 议会代表 tumbled翻滚跌倒
      Oil prices saw their biggest one-day jump in history in New York, surging more than $25 a barrel to $130  
      InLondon, the FTSE 100 index shed 1.41 per cent, while in Paris the CAC40 fell 2.34 per cent and the Frankfurt Dax lost 1.32 per cent.

      Whilethe US rescue plan has been praised in some quarters, others says theunprecedented intervention moves bad mortgages from irresponsiblelenders and punishes taxpayers.
      Bailout 'punishes taxpayers'

      "Thecurrent proposal moves bad mortgages from the irresponsible lenders tothe innocent," says Barry Ritholtz of Ritholtz Research.
      mortgages 抵押  lenders 贷方 innocent无害的
      "Itpunishes every taxpayer who was prudent, and every homeowner thatbehaved in a responsible manner. It eliminates the sanctity ofcontracts, and allows judges to 'cram down' mortgages."
      prudent精明的,节俭的 sanctity 圣洁
      Mark Zandi at Economy.com said the bailout appears to be positive but will not cure the ills of the economy.

      "Thanksto policymakers' bold and creative actions, the financial system willmake its way back from the brink and soon stabilize. Yet, more economicfallout is still to come," he says.
      brink 边界
      "The next six months willbe painful, and the six months after that are likely to beuncomfortable as well. Not until the end of this decade will theeconomy find its footing."

      The British and French markets hadrecorded their largest-ever daily gains on Friday, winning 8.84 percentand 9.27 percent respectively, in initial euphoria over the US moves.
      euphoria 愉快(这应该是个名词,之类的)
      'Market hangover will last a while'
      hangover 遗留物
      "Themarkets had a blast but the hangover is going to last for a while,"says Paul Niven, an investment strategist at F and C Management.
      "Euphoria should not be confused with an end to the crisis."

      Russia'smain RTS index, which had been closed following a meltdown last week,closed up 1.05 percent and the ruble-denominated MICEX was up 0.62percent as oil prices rallied.
      In other markets, Brazil's Bovespa slumped 2.86 percent and the Canadian S&P/TSX index lost 2.13 percent.

      Earlierin Asia, optimism about the US plan had fueled strong gains, withJapanese shares up 1.42 percent, and China's main index surging 7.77percent, while Hong Kong advanced 1.6 percent.



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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 23-9-2008 10:36:28

      Houses 'shot at' with ball bearings

      THREE homes in Adelaide'swestern suburbs have been targeted in drive-by attacks, with ballbearings being shot through front windows.
                                                      Police are investigating the incidents which occurred between 9.25pm and 9.50pm on Sunday in the western suburbs.
      Three separate incidents of a large bolt projectile, possibly a ballbearing, being fired through house windows were reported at theEsplanade at Largs Bay;  Lady Gowrie Drive at Taperoo and Sydney Ave,Kidman Park.
      Victims heard loud bangs followed by a vehicle speeding off.
      projectile喷射  Victims收害人
      The attacks follow a separate incident earlier this month when a boy,5, suffered a cut head from a glass fragment when a shop window was"shot" by a ball bearing or marble at Blair Athol.Police said a person in a passing vehicle used a catapult orslingshot to fire the projectile into a chicken shop window on MainNorth Rd at about 8.10pm on September 9.
      The glass shard hit the boy, who was a customer in the shop. He wastreated at the Women's and Children's Hospital and allowed to leave.
      Acting Inspector Scott Denny said slingshots and catapults had the "potential to be deadly".
      Anyone with information is requested to contact BankSA Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

      it looks like adelaide is not safe anymore
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 27-9-2008 21:24:21

      Time may be up for North Adelaide elite


      THE days of North Adelaide as a favoured and protected enclave could be numbered.
      favoured 受到优惠的,  enclave 飞地
      Interest groups in the south and centre of the city want the favoured treatment given to North Adelaide residents broken down.
      Interest groups  利益集团
      Thanks to a change in the structure of the Adelaide City Council at the last election, they say they have found a way to achieve it.
      The return to the ward system has elected two councillors for each of the three areas – north, central and south – on top of the five councillors elected to perform a city-wide role.
      ward system行政系统
      Orthopedic surgeon and South Ward Councillor Michael Henningsen said the days of North Adelaide running the council were over and while it had been "amicable", "equity" had returned for other areas.
      He said those seeking to correct the North Adelaide imbalance did not want to take anything away from the wealthy area but wanted other parts of the city to get their fair share.
      Citing a need to "bring forward" city works in the CBD, Mr Henningsen says: "The last two councils were run from North Adelaide and that is a historical fact.
      "There are a lot of people in the business areas – and the southern part of the city really felt disenfranchised. The reality is North Adelaide does not control the council any more."
      disenfranchised  取消对什么什么的权利
      Mr Henningsen said the imbalance in treatment dated back to an era when North Adelaide was a location for facilities such as Adelaide Oval and South Adelaide for low-cost housing.
      "North Adelaide from the start of the colony was where the wealthy and elite lived and the streets are still full of doctors, lawyers and business leaders," he said.
      colony 集群   elite 杰出人物
      "It is a very, very wealthy, moneyed, influential and intelligent place."
      South Ward Councillor Joe Cullen says benefits for North Adelaide residents were largely historical, dating back more than 100 years, and while the new council had changed the political landscape, all involved were trying to avoid "ward wars".
      Critics claim favoured treatment given to North Adelaide over south, east and western parks of the city has included:
      MORE road closures to protect residents from traffic.
      BETTER parklands facilities.
      MORE free parking.
      PROTECTION from traffic passing through residential streets.
      DOMINANCE on Adelaide City Council.
      North Adelaide Society chairman Ed Briedis denies the area has undue influence.
      undue 过度的
      Mr Briedis says residents there also welcomed the ward system because it gave them better access to locally based councillors.
      He says Mr Henningsen and Mr Cullen have only been on council since last year and the perception by some that North Adelaide was favoured was wrong.
      "Some of the things that have been discussed are pertinent to North Adelaide and we are entitled to make a noise and that's what gets the attention," he says.
      pertinent to 有关的
      Long-time North Adelaide advocate and city-wide Councillor Anne Moran says some of the "newies" elected to council last year had accepted an urban myth and the area had never been the "tail that wagged the dog".
      "The south has been well represented and in terms of the budget we are pouring large amounts of money into the south-west probably to the expense of central Adelaide," she says.
      "North Adelaide looks like it has a lot of money spent because it has tree-lined streets and wealthy housing but we have never asked for large amounts of money," she says.
      Some CBD advocates are more diplomatic than others and cautious not to put their northern cousins offside, pointing to the struggles all city residents share.
      They won't criticise North Adelaide, but do want what residents there have.
      South-East City Residents Association chairwoman Anne Melrose says the ward system has given residents in the southeast "someone we can go to" and a voice they did not have under the previous council.
      "We strongly supported the return to the ward system because residents in the south-east corner had very very little input intoa whole lot of things that were happening," she says. The southern area of the city should be looked at as similar to North Adelaide, not just as part of the CBD.
      Central Ward Councillor Stephen Yarwood says North Adelaide has always benefited from being seen as mainly residential.
      He says residents of central Adelaide have historically a lower expectation because they moved into a mixed-use community.
      Mr Yarwood also says there has been a "tale of two cities" but that the ward system is bringing "greater equity" of representation.
      "I would be fascinated if someone could do an analysis of where councillors were from, over different eras, because North Adelaide has mobilised its vote very effectively in recent times," he says.
      "There is much more of a level playing field."
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 28-9-2008 23:44:06

      Glenelg Tigers tear Sturt Double Blues to shreds

      GLENELG will take on Central District in the SANFL grand final after smashing a disappointing Sturt in the preliminary final at Adelaide Oval yesterday.
      smashing 惨重的
      The Tigers were never headed in an emphatic warm-up for the premiership decider against the reigning champions.
      It was a pathetic performance from the Double Blues, who were overwhelmed in all facets of the game to lose by 66 points.
      emphatic 强调的 premiership 首席的 decider against 决心反对 reigning 占优势的 pathetic 可怜的 overwhelmed 压倒
      Tigers ruckman Trevor Cranston continued his outstanding form to kick-start the action for Glenelg, with the Double Blues being belted at the stoppages.
      Glenelg had winners all over the ground while Sturt's big guns, including Magarey Medallist Luke Crane and Jade Sheedy, struggled to have an impact.
      impact 冲击
      The grand final will be contested at AAMI Stadium on Sunday.
      contested 竞争
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