出了小碰擦,警察根本不会来的,就算来了也会跟你说,下次这么小的事故别再叫警察了,自己跟保险公司谈。除非有人员伤亡,警察才会来。作者: ktd 时间: 9-2-2010 10:23
Thanks for sharing, that's the best result for you. If that guy go thru the insurance company, you might need to pay at least 2K dollars, may even more for a luxury car.
And luckly that's not a new car, otherwise he would have to goto the Porsche paint&panel shop, and you gonna be killed by the bill作者: kknut 时间: 9-2-2010 10:39
楼主还算好了 以前我刚来的时候手贱 去开我朋友的VOLVO S40 把保险杆刮了20厘米 没有破裂,没有凹陷, 我赔了1980刀,他说保险公司不赔。作者: 大猛哥 时间: 9-2-2010 14:51
Just a correct of terminology, it is excess fee 作者: Yawn 时间: 11-2-2010 10:44 回复 10#mattxia
This avatar...
{:4_172:}{:4_172:}作者: Lilo 时间: 11-2-2010 12:51
说实话,如果你又叫警察,又拍照的,那车主不往死里搞你才怪呢。找个专修店,出个价,警察能说什么呀?人家都是公事公办的,警察没理由帮你吧。所以,如果想商量,就要有商量的姿态。你那些建议是往死里搞的建议,个人以为有时候反而效果更差,除非你是决定跟他搞到底了。作者: 渺沙-月狼 时间: 11-2-2010 16:52
so cheap~~~作者: David 时间: 11-2-2010 17:05
i agree with lilo and tipy's idea
you should feel very **ing lucky, stop talking about call the cops and taking a photo of the damage, that way you probably need to pay 2-3k+, so, if i was you, i will shut the ** up and delete what i said
at school, couldn't type chinese作者: honeyman888 时间: 11-2-2010 23:47
1. 我祝你们说我幸运的, LUCKY的人, 天天跟我一样, 撞宝石节, 宾力, 撞个几次, 你们就知道什么叫幸运了