标题: UniSA Master课本出售Comercial Law & Managerial Economics [打印本页] 作者: 厕所超人不会飞 时间: 28-7-2014 20:15 标题: UniSA Master课本出售Comercial Law & Managerial Economics Managerial Economics M (BUSS 5386) Gans, J, King, S, Stonecash, R & Mankiw, NG, Principles of economics, 4th edn, Cengage Learning Australia Ltd., South Melbourne, Vic $30
这门课老一版的书完全没问题,而且开卷考试要用到,只要30. Commercial Law 这门课需要两本textbooks,同样开卷考试都会用到。
Lipton, P, Herzberg, A & Welsh M, Understanding CompanyLaw, 16th edn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW.
Graw, S, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 5thedn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW
两本$80 附赠study guide和资料