作者: 自由自在的鬼 时间: 8-4-2014 11:44
如果是goodlife可以一起去作者: amyyeh812 时间: 8-4-2014 21:38
我也是Goodlife作者: Rattle 时间: 8-4-2014 22:40
楼主我是Jett的,一直也是一个人在练,不知楼主偏向哪家作者: adelaide90 时间: 8-4-2014 23:54
jett 基本就不用练了 之前去过 连个像样的bench都没有 都不知道怎么卧推 作者: masseffect 时间: 9-4-2014 19:49
我偏向north east road 附近的作者: masseffect 时间: 9-4-2014 19:50
Jetts 只有一个像样的bench,还好人不多作者: zeno0129 时间: 10-4-2014 20:10
我在northgate shopping center 的 snap练 有一起的吗作者: songyingts 时间: 13-4-2014 14:50
I am still thinking about GYM membership. 作者: rodericzhou 时间: 12-5-2014 00:04
payn holden hill goodlife 的有吗 作者: bigdog 时间: 12-5-2014 10:14
24fit飘过作者: 卡卡看 时间: 12-5-2014 10:19
TTP附近anytime作者: jdison0804 时间: 21-5-2014 03:02
我是jetts 作者: clarencelq 时间: 21-5-2014 09:20
i have been gym training for over 6 years, achieved my big body transformation. I would like to exchange ideas and experience with someone who is interested in getting result.
Currently I am on training to be lesmill bodyattack class instructor and also I am into crossfit, which is very popular training format of HIIT all over the world at the moment.
If you are serious about getting result, you cannot only rely on gym training, but also pay a lot of attention to your food intake. I would like share a lot of information about diet and nutrition as well.