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标题: 炮火回声六十年 天海之隔三八线 [打印本页]

作者: syqwin    时间: 27-7-2013 22:16
标题: 炮火回声六十年 天海之隔三八线

作者: MicMic    时间: 27-7-2013 22:22

作者: syqwin    时间: 27-7-2013 22:23
MicMic 发表于 2013-7-27 21:52


作者: Pyree    时间: 27-7-2013 22:25
And what is "蛋炒饭's 下场"?
作者: Pyree    时间: 27-7-2013 22:27
I know this has something to do with the Korean War, but you need to elaborate what you mean.
作者: MicMic    时间: 27-7-2013 23:07
syqwin 发表于 2013-7-27 22:53

作者: link0707tian    时间: 27-7-2013 23:09

作者: syqwin    时间: 28-7-2013 00:11
Pyree 发表于 2013-7-27 21:55
And what is "蛋炒饭's 下场"?

“Chara, this is Bee speaking, can you hear me?”

"Agian, Chara, this is Bee. Please respond once you hear me~"


"Bee, this is Chara, I can hear you. Please report your position..."

"This Bee report, 1735, 0618,2944,9390,1717,over."

"I repeat, 1735, 0618,2944,9390,1717,over."


"Bee, you got 17 miles to tango. Get youself ready."

"ah...Chara, I got a little trouble, there are mountains around, could you give me a reference, I think I'm lost..."

"Bee, keep flying, we have a scout team nearby. they will place a signal."


"...Bee, bad news, we lost that team, you have to find the tango by yourself."

"Oh~man~~this is #$%^& shxt!"

"Wait a second~I saw a smoke, is it the tango? Chara?"

"En...Bee,you are very close to the tango, but I cant confirm anything in detail, we lost a scout team."

"Well~that is the tango,your boys are still alive, they are launching a signal smoke."

"En...Bee, at least I can confirm we do lost our heros."

"Oh~ you know nothing about the frontline, Chara~ Say thanks to your boys and tell them get away from the tango~"

"Bee, you cant attack unknown targets."

"It's the tango. I'm going to blow it up, Chara."

"Bee, wake up and stop it~that is an order. we lost scout team and cant locate the tango, mission over, that's all. Get home now, Bee."

"I saw the smoke~ I can even see their soldiers. You cant call me back now, Chara. "

"Bee, get home~it is an order."

"30 seconds, after I burn those ants~"

“Bee,stop! are you mad? you cant attack unknown targets~”

"Bomb's ready! haha~"


"Bo~Bo~Bo, mammy love you~"


作者: 六合江山    时间: 28-7-2013 02:00


作者: link0707tian    时间: 28-7-2013 19:17

作者: yybsn    时间: 28-7-2013 20:18
作者: YouYouWu    时间: 29-7-2013 12:26

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