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标题: 澳洲特许会计师协会会计职业评估(ICAA/CPA/NIA)DIY解析 [打印本页]

作者: yngyngyy3    时间: 14-5-2013 12:48
标题: 澳洲特许会计师协会会计职业评估(ICAA/CPA/NIA)DIY解析
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估机构介绍
澳洲特许会计师协会(TheInstitute of Chartered Accountants in Australia,简称ICAA),是移民部指定的负责澳洲会计师职业的资质评估的机构。资质评估通过后,可以为申请人提供工作经验评估。但是资质是最先评估的,只有资质评估合格后,才对工作经验进行评估。
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估职业类别
132211 财务经理 Finance Manager
221111 普通会计 Accountant (general)
221112 管理会计 Management accountant
221113 税务会计 Taxation accountant
221212 公司出纳 Corporate Treasurer
221213 外审 External auditor
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估的对学历的要求
澳大利亚学历:等同于澳洲会计学/工商/商务/经济学学士学位或硕士学位(12unit accredited Masters
* 会计系统和流程Accounting Systems & Processes
* 公司会计与报表 Corporate Accounting &Reporting
* 会计理论、专业和管理过程 Accounting Theory,Professional & Regulatory Processes
* 成本及管理会计学 Cost & ManagementAccounting
* 财政学 Finance
* 审计和担保 Audit & Assurance
* 法律体系和商业法 Legal Framework &Commercial Law
* 公司法 Corporate Law
* 税法 Taxation Law
* 信息系统设计与开发 Information Systems Design& Development
* 经济学(宏观和微观)Economics (micro &macro)
* 定量分析方法 Quantitative Methods
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师对英语要求
需要达到A类雅思47。澳大利亚学历申请人如果完成了技术移民实习生计划Skilled Migration Internship Program
Accounting: (SMIPA)计划,免除英语要求。
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师对工作经验的评估
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估处理周期
境外学历:2 - 4weeks (Overseas qualifications)
澳洲学历:1 - 2weeks (Australian qualifications)
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估费用及支付方式
技能评估 AU$400 ,加急450澳元
工作经验评估AU$4500 ,加急450澳元
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会评估费用及支付方式
ICAA 澳洲特许会计师协会联系方式
National Customer Service Centre
Australia: 1300 137 322 (Within Australia)
+612 9290 5660 (if overseas)
Malaysia: 1800 804 712 (Toll free from Malaysia)
Singapore: 0800 6161 337 (Toll free from Singapore)
Email: [email protected]
Fax:+61 2 9262 4841
Operating Hours 8:30am - 6pm AEST/AEDST Mondayto Friday (excluding national public holidays).
ANZSCO 2211 会计师职责概述
会计师主要负责在机构与个人的税务和金融交易方面制定计划并提供会计服务,对相关的会计记录和规章要求方面提出建议。ACCOUNTANTS plan and provide accounting systems and servicesrelating to taxation and the financial dealings of organisations andindividuals, and advise on associated record-keeping and compliancerequirements.
ANZSCO 2211 会计师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
occupations in this unit group have a levelof skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In someinstances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required inaddition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration orlicensing may be required.
ANZSCO 2211 会计师主要职责 Tasks Include
协助制作预算与会计核算政策 assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies
为董事会,公司管理人,股东以及政府和法定机构制定并介绍财务报表 preparing financial statements for presentation to boards ofdirectors, management, shareholders, and governing and
statutory bodies
对公司相关事务进行财务调查,准备财务报告,进行财务审计并提供建议,如商业采购和销售,合并,融资,可疑欺诈,破产和税务 conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertakingaudits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses,mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
检验运营成本以及机构的收入和支出 examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
确保财务报告的准确性以及符合相关法律法规 providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained infinancial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
在企业结构,计划和运营方面提供有关财务和税务的建议 providing financial and taxation advice on business structures,plans and operations
为个人和组织提供税收收益报告 preparing taxation returns for individuals and organizations
与金融机构和经纪人交流沟通并制定资金管理计划 liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish fundsmanagement arrangements
引入并维护会计系统,在计算机会计系统的选择和应用方面提供建议 introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on theselection and application of computer-based
accounting systems
维护内部财务控制系统 maintaining internal control systems
可能会评估资金投资项目的现金流和财务风险 may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investmentprojects
ANZSCO 2211 会计师职位列表 List of occupations
221111 会计师(普通)Accountant (General)
221112 管理会计师 Management Accountant
221113 税务会计师 Taxation Accountant
221111 会计师(普通)ACCOUNTANT (GENERAL)
在机构与个人的财务往来方面制定计划并提供财务服务,对财务记录和规章制度提供建议。需要注册或工作许可。Plans and provides systems and services relating to the financialdealings of organisations and individuals, and advises on associatedrecord-keeping and compliance requirements. Registration or licensing isrequired.
技术等级:1 Skill Level: 1
职业方向 Specialisations
财务分析师 Financial Analyst
破产执行人 Insolvency Practitioner
可替换的职位名称 Alternative Titles:
成本会计师 Cost Accountant
金融会计师 Financial Accountant
计划,评估和管理会计制度和程序,分析机构需要的财务信息,在财务计划和风险管理方面提供建议,并为管理提供财务报告并协助决策。深入了解成本效益,对会计基准的实施和完善提供支持。需要提供注册或工作许可。Plans,I reviews and administers accounting systems and procedures,analyses the financial information needs of organisations, provides advice onfinancial
planning and risk management, and providesmanagement with reports to assist in decision-making. May provide insight intocost performance and support the implementation of benchmarking and improvementinitiatives. Registration or licensing is required.
技术等级:1 Skill Level: 1
可替换的职业 Alternative Titles:
税务代理 Taxation Agent
税务顾问 Taxation Consultant
对机构或个人的税务问题进行分析,报告并提供建议,准备税收收益方面的报告,并处理与税务机关的纠纷。可能需要注册或工作许可。Analyses, reports and provides advice on taxation issues toorganisations or individuals, prepares taxation returns and reports, andhandles disputes with taxation authorities. Registration or licensing may berequired.
技术等级:1 Skill Level: 1

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