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标题: vodafone 与 skype [打印本页]

作者: jy03023322    时间: 4-2-2012 19:36
标题: vodafone 与 skype
我办的是vodafone 49刀的plane。前段时间话费超支,办了个skype的国际套餐,三个月120RMB 。每个月1W分钟。但是用skype打电话还是扣了vodafone的话费
31/01/2012        08:00:55         NA         Div to Voicemail         00:00:05        All Day        $0.00        $0.00
30/01/2012        15:53:33         PKT         Internet 37250Kb         08:57:44        All Day        $8.26        $0.00
作者: ctsintat    时间: 4-2-2012 20:17
jy03023322 发表于 2012-2-4 20:36
我办的是vodafone 49刀的plane。前段时间话费超支,办了个skype的国际套餐,三个月120RMB 。每个月1W分钟。 ...

Was your cap credit deducted as well?

30/01/2012        15:53:33         PKT         Internet 37250Kb         08:57:44        All Day        $8.26        $0.00

The above session record indicates you have used 37MB data, the amount $8.26 only tells how much that data session worth; If you have not exceeded your data allowance, you wont be charged anything (Look at the $0.00 amount next to the $8.26)

作者: jy03023322    时间: 4-2-2012 20:43
回复 ctsintat 的帖子

I do not exceeded my data allowance,but I exceeded my call packages. You mean that the charge will refund me?
作者: gangku    时间: 4-2-2012 20:50
回复 jy03023322 的帖子

作者: ctsintat    时间: 4-2-2012 21:09
Cap credit and data allowance are dealt with separately.

Consider the following scenario:
Let say you are on a $49 cap which have $550 credit for calls and 1.5GB data.

You exceeded your cap credit this month, let say you have used $600; then on the bill you will see $600-550=$50, you will need to pay $50 on top of your $49 cap.

You also exceeded the data quota as well, which you have used up 2GB of data (500MB extra), vodafone charge excess data rate at $0.50 per MB, so it will come to: 500MB x0.5=$250.

In this scenario, you will receive a bill $49 cap + $50 call excess + $250 data excess=$349
This is how it works.

Now, come back to the vodafone record, do not worry about the first amount column but the second one. In your case $8.26 and $0, only amount on the second column will be added up to your bill.

So if you only exceeded your cap credit but not the data allowance, you will only pay your cap charges + excess call charges
作者: jy03023322    时间: 4-2-2012 22:24
回复 gangku 的帖子

作者: jy03023322    时间: 4-2-2012 22:36
回复 ctsintat 的帖子

Do you know that is the PKT? From the recent call, I am sure that I do not use the cap credit on 31/1. Absolutely, I use the skype to call my friend, I am wonder why I should pay money for vodafone?
作者: aprilia    时间: 4-2-2012 23:07

作者: jy03023322    时间: 5-2-2012 10:20
回复 gangku 的帖子

Bill cycle ends
You have6 days remaining
Your entitlements
Free GPRS Data Bundle
755.6 MBof 1536.0 MB used780.4 MB left
Anytime Dollar bundles
$550.02of $550.02 used$0.00 left
Spend this cycle


不好意思,我没有看到bill里面的summary。只有view your bill.  bill analysis.

作者: jy03023322    时间: 5-2-2012 10:29
回复 aprilia 的帖子

作者: ctsintat    时间: 5-2-2012 10:53
jy03023322 发表于 2012-2-5 11:20
回复 gangku 的帖子

Bill cycle ends

Here ... ind/skype/index.htm

However, this skype pack only limited to Skype2Skype call, if you use Skype for direct dialing you will be charged for data. (As the whole point of this Skype pack is that the data used for Skype does not court into your internet quota)

The Skype pack is also included in the extra data pack, see ... rnet-pack/index.htm

Juz, you have used almost 200 bucks extra.
Little hints for you: When you bill is issued, give vodafone a call, ask them nice and politely, tell them your family oversea is unwell and you are worried about them so made plenty of call to check on them, also you are a student cant really afford almost $200 bill, see if they can reduce the bill. Usually it works :)
作者: aprilia    时间: 5-2-2012 13:56
作者: jy03023322    时间: 5-2-2012 14:00
回复 aprilia 的帖子

对 ,我知道skype需要连接网络。但是我3G 流量还有很多。没有用完
Free GPRS Data Bundle
755.6 MBof 1536.0 MB used780.4 MB left
作者: bdzcn    时间: 11-2-2012 14:34
作者: snowtiantian    时间: 11-2-2012 16:43
回复 bdzcn 的帖子

作者: bdzcn    时间: 15-2-2012 18:57
回复 snowtiantian 的帖子


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