City West,Free bus travelling to city. 配套齐全,空调,冰箱,洗衣机,干衣机, 微波炉等等
现在出租中间, 一共三个房间,现在只存一间了,非常好的conditions
有意联系: Yalyssa: [email protected], or 0416229149. 作者: 442141362 时间: 12-10-2011 20:19
不错 可是 我要11月才到阿德莱德 估计到时候 已经租出去了作者: Feliner 时间: 13-10-2011 00:49
这条件正好,我和我朋友两个人,但是我们也是要12月才能搬家的。。。。不知道有没有预留这一说啊·····{:4_170:}作者: qingwen 时间: 13-10-2011 15:08
Sorry, can not keep the rooms till November and December :( , sorry aha...作者: fredrick 时间: 13-10-2011 23:29
is it possible for the couple?作者: qingwen 时间: 14-10-2011 17:13
Single preferred 作者: qingwen 时间: 14-10-2011 17:15
The small room has been rented already, thank y for everyone concerning , there is a medium room left which is 130 weekly, really good location and conditions 作者: fredrick 时间: 15-10-2011 11:42
请问中间可以住couple吗? 价钱又是多少呢?作者: sucker 时间: 15-10-2011 17:39
how much for the couple ? and do you have car park?作者: qingwen 时间: 16-10-2011 12:13
For couple it is 140, there is street park just outside the house, also this room will be available from the beginning of next month, u can come and see. :) 作者: 昂热洛 时间: 16-10-2011 12:45
请问couple10月25到11月21号短租可以吗?租金可议,谢谢作者: qingwen 时间: 17-10-2011 11:16
Sorry, the length should be at least half year:D.作者: qingwen 时间: 23-10-2011 22:25