作者: Freg 时间: 11-10-2011 20:31
can I rent for 6 month?? not short term only.....i don't wish to keep moving alr...作者: Fay 时间: 11-10-2011 20:49
Sorry, it doesn't work, cause i really want to keep this room~so i plan to rent in short term~作者: Fay 时间: 11-10-2011 20:50 回复 Freg 的帖子
Sorry, it doesn't work, cause i really want to keep this room~so i plan to rent in short term~作者: Freg 时间: 12-10-2011 04:31
cool...thx for reply!!作者: Fay 时间: 14-10-2011 09:31
DDDDDDDDDDDDDD作者: Fay 时间: 15-10-2011 19:22
upupupupupupup{:7_313:}作者: Fay 时间: 17-10-2011 10:53
{:4_172:}好房子哟~赶紧的看起来啊!!!作者: icy4 时间: 17-10-2011 17:20
qing wen shen me shi hou neng chu zu?作者: Fay 时间: 17-10-2011 22:03 回复 icy4 的帖子