HAMPS GARDEN RESIDENCE INN 汉苑酒店式家居, 体验现代家庭酒店式居住的全新感受
*Junior Executive Residence in the safe and convenient Northeastern Suburb
*Enjoying comfortable bed & continental breakfast everyday,
*No worries about cleaning your room during your stay or upon checking out.
*Just rollingin your carry-on luggage and checking in your big check-in luggage cases
*Like a youngsavvy professional on a business trip.
*Flexibleterms on daily, weekly, or monthly basis available.
房子位于中国城附近,短租一周$250, 如有需要请联系0401353597作者: yankochen 时间: 13-9-2011 19:10
{:4_193:}{:4_193:}{:4_193:}{:4_193:}{:4_193:}作者: nashwong 时间: 13-9-2011 20:03
borrow your post abit thank.
also looking for short term renting from 15/9- 2/10, required air-con n best with own toilet.
dont have to be in city but relatively close to city. thanks 0433970260 作者: yankochen 时间: 13-9-2011 22:44
哎~~~~~~~~作者: yankochen 时间: 14-9-2011 18:06
只能找酒店了吗???作者: stephenlee 时间: 14-9-2011 18:14
在marion附近。非常干净整洁的新townhouse. 交通非常方便!
有意电联。0434244559作者: yankochen 时间: 15-9-2011 12:29 回复 stephenlee 的帖子