周3567全天free, 周一上午,周二3点后,周四4点后有空,0433881864,Q:992959774,无经验但勤奋好学上手快,2012年年底前应该都不回国,可长期作者: wingyichan 时间: 12-8-2011 01:29
hello, im so interested in ths part time job, free on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday full day. 0413568711作者: bii_10 时间: 12-8-2011 21:02 回复 helenli 的帖子
I'm very interested in applying this post! I'm whole day free from weekend to Wednesday! I have experiences in working in a cafe for six months. Speaking fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese is not difficult for me and so I 'm confident in interacting with customers. My cell phone number is 0425440169. Looking forward to your reply! Thanks a lot!作者: 追风逐月 时间: 13-8-2011 10:10 本帖最后由 追风逐月 于 2011-8-13 10:44 编辑