作者: cheney_S 时间: 6-8-2011 12:25
顶SKYLINE!!!!!!!!!!作者: leinan.123 时间: 6-8-2011 16:37
都没有人顶作者: 一只小小鸟 时间: 7-8-2011 14:12
这个贵了吧?自动的快17万公里了还8300?作者: yyl881222 时间: 7-8-2011 14:43
没见过94年卖8000的车作者: leinan.123 时间: 7-8-2011 21:24
都没人感兴趣吗??作者: 凹凸曼 时间: 7-8-2011 21:39
94年的跑了16W,front bumper 又撞断了,又是33,这车不值钱了{:4_175:}
只能祝楼主好运了作者: opop123 时间: 7-8-2011 21:54
这价钱不好卖啊。降到5000的话估计能速出作者: fantasyfcs 时间: 8-8-2011 00:40
太贵,而且还是手动,祝楼主好运!作者: fantasyfcs 时间: 8-8-2011 00:40
说错,而且还不是手动· 作者: happykin6 时间: 8-8-2011 00:49
接近 17万 .$7.200 =$2.30 per every km.... that is a bargin loi...i ding lzz...good price.good car 作者: happykin6 时间: 8-8-2011 00:52
auto worth $1500.00 .boy kit $2000,00. wheel +tyres worth $1200.00. engine $1000.00
audio equipment $200.00. central locks$100.00
ready half of the value of the car...good car good price.作者: opop123 时间: 8-8-2011 17:30 回复 happykin6 的帖子
this car and its price r so good, why dont u buy it?
just buy it for $7200. u like it buy it and LZ can sell it be4 go back to China. what a fantastic deal!! 作者: leinan.123 时间: 8-8-2011 20:51
haha good idea作者: asato_dark 时间: 9-8-2011 01:41
nice car~自動的,不錯~作者: leinan.123 时间: 10-8-2011 22:14
还是没有人想要么??哎作者: 凹凸曼 时间: 11-8-2011 10:59 回复 leinan.123 的帖子
不过还是帮顶了作者: uuu.liang 时间: 13-8-2011 23:42
好車,幫頂!!!作者: happykin6 时间: 25-8-2011 10:44
I drive Fto with extreme body kit worse than this skysline. Never had a problem . Even few time the cop car was parking next to me. As long the car hv no dents and good tyres should be fine . 作者: happykin6 时间: 25-8-2011 10:49
好像有些傢伙說到一仙不值。費解。說實話。以這價錢換這weekend car. 物超所值作者: wangf 时间: 1-9-2011 14:59