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标题: UNISA ACCOUNTING课本+SHARP计算器出售-毕业了,低价甩卖!!!! [打印本页]

作者: wj228    时间: 26-7-2011 20:20
标题: UNISA ACCOUNTING课本+SHARP计算器出售-毕业了,低价甩卖!!!!
本帖最后由 wj228 于 2011-7-26 20:27 编辑

Advanced Accounting-$60
Leo, K, Hoggett, J, Sweeting, J & Radford, J 2009, Company Accounting, 8th edn, John Wiley, Sydney.
Accounting Handbook(2010)-$30 (9成新)

Management Accounting-$80(最新版)9.9成新
Horngren, C, Wynder, M, MacGuire, W, Tan, R, Datar, S, Foster, G, Rajan, M, Ittner, C 2011, Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis, 1st Australian edition, Pearson Education Australia.

Corporate Finance-$60
Petty, J.W., Keown, A.J. et al 2009, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 5th edition, Pearson Education.

Commercial Law-$70 (2 books)
Graw, S 2008, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 6th Ed, Law Book Co.
Lipton, P and Herzbeg, A 2009, Understanding Company Law, 14th Ed, Sydney: Law Book Company.

Auditing Handbook-$45(9.9成新,包了书皮)
CPA Australia 2010, Auditing, Assurance and Ethics Handbook, Pearson Education, Sydney.
Arens, Best, Shailer, Fiedler, Elder and Beasley. 2011, Auditing, Assurance Services, and Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach, 8th Edition, Pearson Australia, Sydney.-$30AUDITING总共3本书,随书免费赠送一本STUDENT GUIDE,对第一个小考试的选择题测验非常有帮助.

Issues in Accounting Theory-$45(9.9成新) 赠送READER和所有复习资料,包括样卷和答案
Deegan, Craig 2009, Financial Accounting Theory, 3rd ed, McGraw Hill Australia.

Financial Calculator: The recommended model is the Sharp EL-738----$45


想买前4本书的同学请联系:0425 662 060
想买ISSUES和AUDITING和计算器的同学请联系:0422 516 220

作者: 2815133    时间: 29-7-2011 20:12
作者: wj228    时间: 29-7-2011 20:51
2815133 发表于 2011-7-29 20:12


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