Horngren,C, Foster, G, Datar, S. Rajan, M, Ittner, C 2010, Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis, 1st Australian edn, Pearson Education Australia. $80 9.5成新
Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange:
Kotler, P, Brown, L, Burton, S, Deans, K & Armstrong, G 2010, Marketing, 8th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. $80 9.5成新 (已卖)
Brendan Pentony, Stephen Graw, Jann Lennard & David Parker 2009, Understanding Business Law, 4th edition, Lexis-Nexis. 8成新 $60(原价108)
Finance and Investment:
Petty, J.W., Keown, A.J et al 2009, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Australia. 7成新 $40
Financial Calculator: The recommended model is the Sharp EL-738$40 9.8成新已卖以上课本都是没有什么NOTES啊HIGHLIGHT的.
ICAA 2010 edition, CA Financial Reporting Handbook,John Wiley. (用于FA2和FA3, 2010和2011两个版的AASB一模一样,今年还是可以用的. 我自己之前不知道结果以为买错买了2本,所以多买一本) $40 8成新 有部分HIGHLIGHTS.