家具基本都有,你们只用买冰箱+洗衣机作者: jmanliu 时间: 24-7-2011 00:20
樓主如果把標題 改成.. "兩BOY求租一個單間". 那..這貼一定火..LOL作者: zrz 时间: 24-7-2011 11:02
Two rooms all with wardrobe for renting and 2 bath room, 2 lounge. 3 minutes to bus stop and railway station. Carport is available and about 18 min drive to city, quiet area, and secure house 18minutes to city by train. If you are interested pls contact :0432339155,QQ:1979054314.作者: 你妹呀 时间: 24-7-2011 19:15 回复 jmanliu 的帖子