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标题: Looking for talented people... [打印本页]

作者: Local_Guy    时间: 9-5-2011 23:11
标题: Looking for talented people...
本帖最后由 Local_Guy 于 2011-5-9 23:10 编辑

We have employed many young chinese students and graduates over the last year. Some have done a few days of translation work for us, (been paid well and are still good friends with all of us) Some have come for a few days work, that turned into a few months of work. It's never easy to predict how things will turn out. We are looking for talented, creative people at the moment,  who are good-hearted and open-minded. (particularly interested in finding a girl who can sing well in chinese in a modern style, also people like journalists, or actors) In the west there is a saying: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" ... Please don't be cynical, (愤世嫉俗) ~ It seems that actually we are all 'cut from the same cloth', (i.e. 机会是留给有准备的人) ...even though sometimes, some people see only our differences  :)

电邮请传给“鬼佬”,[email protected], 一个和一堆中国人在工作着的老外。

invitation.jpg (26.96 KB, 下载次数: 216)


作者: wzs19910113    时间: 9-5-2011 23:24
本帖最后由 wzs19910113 于 2011-5-9 23:33 编辑

这是做什么的? what's the subject?
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 00:30
charming avatar... ~ "the subject?" it depends... many people have individual characteristics and/or skills.
作者: yugi9999    时间: 10-5-2011 00:45
i still can not find the point for it
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 00:46
well... some will, and some won't. Life's what u make it.
作者: Winter·季    时间: 10-5-2011 02:42
What's that work like? Can u give me a example? Thank u~~~
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 08:05
'Fun'... ~ but don't apply if you are just looking for "a job". Apply if you feel you are 'different' from most other young chinese people you know. Apply if you are a confident person with 'an attitude' who doesn't copy other's but rather, strives to be 'themselves'... who for instance, is inspired by this classic ad:
作者: angelababy    时间: 10-5-2011 11:22
作者: heydayleaine147    时间: 10-5-2011 11:42
looks like u ar looking for asia girl for sex party or something like that
作者: 骆驼吖丫丫    时间: 10-5-2011 13:52
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 14:15
回复 heydayleaine147 的帖子

Wow... that's quite an assumption! - Have no need for that though. - really this is exactly as I have said. In regard to the "singing", we genuninely have a need for someone to record some vocals... not just someone with karaoki experience, but someone who takes singing seriously. That is just a little job, but for someone with that talent, it could be a great experience. (We have professional experience in that area as well) - Other roles we are interested involve people being not shy to talk directly to the camera. We have already found 1 student in particular who has done this for us and has been incredible. But we are looking for others.
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 14:25
Honestly... such strange responses! - all those with crazy fantasies would be disappointed. We are laughing and wondering 'what the hell'? ...anyway, will take those funny comments with a sense of humour.

If you want to call and speak with one of my trusted chinese colleagues, send an email, and if you seem genuine I'll get one of my senior people to call you.

(when I first visited China in the late 1980's it was a very innocent place, now it seems that innocence has definitely been lost... so funny)

作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 16:23
本帖最后由 Local_Guy 于 2011-5-10 16:24 编辑

OK, we have had a few nice emails/applications, thanks to those who have responded so thoughtfully, we look forward to meeting up for a chat soon.
作者: CHINE    时间: 10-5-2011 17:46
nan de yo? sina jin
作者: xyz123    时间: 10-5-2011 20:11
作者: wuyao1224    时间: 10-5-2011 21:53
回复 angelababy 的帖子

作者: zy168    时间: 10-5-2011 22:25
骗简历的,again over again
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 10-5-2011 23:20
本帖最后由 Local_Guy 于 2011-5-10 23:53 编辑

I have found there is always a certain ratio that could be applied to the young chinese people who have applied for work on our project over the last year. I have met some really great people, but have also discovered that there is a great deal of suspicion and scepticism among the chinese student community. (I'm sure many of you have your reasons for that, and maybe it is based on your own experience or what you have been told, or just based on fear) - Anyway, apart from these rather harsh and very skeptical responses that some of you care to make, we continue to find that a steady ratio of students do come forward and meet us and many of those are fine people of outstanding character, so this kind of exercise is always worthwhile. (I now have far more really good chinese friends, than local friends, by the way... and we continue to help many chinese students and graduates) - Some time soon, you will all get to see what we have been working on, until then... Best wishes to you all.  
作者: louis518    时间: 11-5-2011 00:08
作者: since    时间: 11-5-2011 17:43
it seems like sort of language discrimination tho.  why would you put the chinese definition in brackets next to some difficult words or phrase..  take it as a suggestion, next time you simply input chinese only or english. thx :)
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 11-5-2011 19:24
The reason I did that was to point out that in both Chinese tradition and in Western tradition, we have exactly the same proverb. i.e. the western version is attributed to "Lucius Annaeus Seneca" a 1st Century Roman Philosopher. A very similar proverb  i.e. 机会是留给有准备的人 is from Ancient China, and I believe it is well known. - I find that kind of thing very interesting. - Sorry if anyone misunderstood my intention.
作者: jamena.chen    时间: 12-5-2011 04:40
what kindda of work it is......

作者: Local_Guy    时间: 12-5-2011 08:11
I think we've found our "singing girl"... so that's covered. - But we are still interested to find young (and even not so young) chinese who are confident to talk into a video camera without being shy. (some people can do this, many can not). In english this charcter type is called an "extrovert"... (the opposite being an "introvert") I don't want to discuss too much about the role here. But it's nothing to do with anything sexy or dirty... its more like being a TV Journalist, or actor. We have some people we have yet to interview over the next week. If anyone is still interested, fee free to apply.
作者: lovepotato    时间: 12-5-2011 12:37
哈哈哈,看来楼主是制造争议制造混乱的高手。非要写那种模糊不清的mail吗?if u put yourself into others' shoes,你会发现人家有这样那样的猜想和疑问是很正常的,不用嘲笑不用惊讶,这很正常, 因为你的帖子太没有头绪了. 还有,楼主你真的是非常非常的话唠啊,啰嗦的可以。叫你的senior Chinese colleague告诉你什么叫话唠!
作者: 有点活干    时间: 12-5-2011 14:04
lovepotato 发表于 2011-5-12 12:37
哈哈哈,看来楼主是制造争议制造混乱的高手。非要写那种模糊不清的mail吗?if u put yourself into others' ...

this is an excellent response.

a decent job would not advertise in this way, a decent man would not talk like he has no idea what he is talking about.

particularly hating your comment on your visit to China in 1980s, do you really know the meaning of innocent, innocent is what you will do when China come to bomb you in the 21st century-begging help from US like a dog
作者: 有点活干    时间: 12-5-2011 14:05

话唠=‘big mouth’
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 12-5-2011 14:23
回复 有点活干 的帖子

well... you will make what you want of whatever someone says, obviously. - What I meant by China's 'innocence' in late 1980's was that I was very moved by the beauty and style of what was then a less commercialised China. - I have been back many times, during the 90's, then lived in Shanghai in 99/2000, and have been been back twice in the last 2 years. I have seen many changes...

You talk of China coming to Bomb us? ...Do you think that is a good thing? I think War is very regrettable wherever it occurs. (plus if you think I like the US and its policies you are mistaken, I am very critical of US foreign policy)

Some people have contacted us and engaged in productive and positive discussion about what they might be able to do with us, some others want to just criticise and judge. - This is a free country, so enjoy your right to say whatever you want, without fear of persecution.
作者: 有点活干    时间: 13-5-2011 10:02
作者: 有点活干    时间: 13-5-2011 10:04
作者: hypercool    时间: 13-5-2011 10:05
是做爱的工作么?hehe `
作者: 有点活干    时间: 13-5-2011 10:50
本帖最后由 有点活干 于 2011-5-13 10:51 编辑

To that local:
you do not get a chance to represent OZ, Gillard does. she said in US'I knew Americans were something when you stepped on the moon', see this, you guys only know how to suck up Americans and brew beers. Chinese can't go to the moon yet, but at least, we are trying and learning real hard. Shame on you.

To 中国人
别又说我这个那个的,1言论自由。2 丫老外说我们的时候,有过MERCY吗,一样指着鼻子骂,有的国人可好,反过来说自己人。还中澳不会有战争?!澳洲自己都说会有,还琢磨着给美国当基地,傻子都知道这基地是干吗用的!唉,有点血性吧,中国男人,别动不动冷静,礼貌的,人家没拿你这些特征当优点!
作者: 小曦    时间: 13-5-2011 12:47
作者: yukizhu1021    时间: 15-5-2011 20:21
不能理解工作性质,说的太含糊了,sing而已么?能不能像seek website一样写清楚什么要求,工资,要得人,这有点模模糊糊的,难怪了别人会猜一些坏的方面。
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 16-5-2011 16:52
In a sentence... We are not offering full or permanent part time conventional positions at the moment. But, we can and are providing short term contract work that is fun, cool and rewarding for the right kind of people. (creative, talented, confident) OK? ...thanks
作者: cherchen    时间: 16-5-2011 18:15
i am not a student and i only free on weekend(only half day free on saturday) can i still apply for this ????
作者: xyz123    时间: 16-5-2011 19:56
> In a sentence...We are not offering full or permanent part time conventional positions at
> the moment. But, we can and are providing short term contract work that is fun, cool
> and rewarding for the right kind of people. (creative, talented, confident) OK? ...thanks

"In a sentence...", WHAT IS THAT? As far as most can tell, it seems you don't know what you are doing yourself. Please don't be too clever here in -- we have not job, but we have BRAINS.
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 16-5-2011 23:16
回复 cherchen 的帖子

yes, sure... tell us about yourself. ~ No need even for formal Resume if your self-description is informative enough.
作者: Local_Guy    时间: 16-5-2011 23:21
回复 xyz123 的帖子

xyz123  放松...  
作者: a1121797    时间: 17-5-2011 10:02
作者: 1va    时间: 25-5-2011 17:51
Can you please attach a position Description of the Job with KPI's Core roles because no offence you havnt explained what this job is? Also mention what company you work for please state the ACN once you have delivered this information I will be very insterested in applying.

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