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标题: [转载]澳大利亚技术移民扫盲贴 [打印本页]

作者: cacy1124    时间: 9-1-2008 00:47
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作者: eric    时间: 9-1-2008 01:46
作者: happy天蝎    时间: 9-1-2008 10:44
作者: peter_liu    时间: 9-1-2008 11:00
作者: qingquan    时间: 9-1-2008 11:30
作者: jiqi913    时间: 10-1-2008 21:53
作者: wombat    时间: 18-1-2008 22:27

1. 现在还有 10万澳元的加分么??
2. 流利的讲澳洲的一种社区语言(包括普通话和广东话, 如果你在中国取得过学士学位就被认为你可以流利讲普通话, 否则需要通过考试才得到)
怎么考试啊 我感兴趣啊

作者: cacy1124    时间: 19-1-2008 00:33
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作者: wombat    时间: 19-1-2008 23:51

谢谢 啊
作者: zako    时间: 5-2-2008 20:03

作者: 洋葱头    时间: 12-2-2008 21:30
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作者: peter_liu    时间: 13-2-2008 12:53
标题: 回复 7# 的帖子

更改2:雅思四个5和四个6 已改为15分的加分


[ 本帖最后由 peter_liu 于 2008-2-13 13:57 编辑 ]
作者: 洋葱头    时间: 13-2-2008 16:27
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作者: peter_liu    时间: 13-2-2008 17:57
标题: Eligibility for citizenship

除了在澳洲要住4年外,申请人还需 pass a citizenship test.

Legislation The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 is the legal basis for all citizenship provisions. It commenced on 1 July 2007. It was amended by the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Act 2007 in September 2007.
Legislation and regulations are not published on this department'swebsite, but can be accessed from a legal information retrieval systemowned by the Australian Attorney General's Department.
To access the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 or the Australian Citizenship Regulations 2007, please visit the ComLaw website.


General eligibility

From 1 October 2007, people who satisfy the general eligibility criteria are required to pass a test before applying for citizenship.
See: Citizenship Test

People who apply must:

    * have passed a test
    * be aged 18 years or over at the time the application is made
    * be a permanent resident

    * satisfy the residence requirement
    * be likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia
    * be of good character.

See also:
Citizenship Test
Step 1: Am I eligible? - Other situations
Privileges and responsibilities of Australian citizenship
Good character
Residence requirements and calculator

People who became permanent residents on or after 1 July 2007 must have been lawfully resident in Australia for four years immediately before applying including:

    * 12 months as a permanent resident
    * absences from Australia of no more than 12 months, including no more than three months in the 12 months before applying.

If people became permanent residents before 1 July 2007 and apply before 30 June 2010, they must have been physically present in Australia as a permanent resident for a total of two years in the five years before applying, including one year in the two years before applying.

Note: Periods of lawful residence cannot include a period of confinement in a prison or psychiatric institution by order of a court made in connection with proceedings for an offence against an Australian law except in limited circumstances. A residence calculator is available to assist you to determine if you meet the residence requirement. This calculator can accept future dates.
See: Residence Requirements Calculator Calculator

Residence exemptions and discretions


People are exempt from the residence requirement if they:

    * have served three months in the permanent forces of the Commonwealth
    * have served six months in the navy, army or air force reserve
    * were discharged from defence service as medically unfit for that service.

A partial exemption applies to former Australian citizens and people born in Australia. They need only have been resident in Australia for 12 months as a permanent resident.


There are discretions for the residence requirement:

    * periods during which a person was present in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen solely because of an administrative error may be treated as periods of lawful residence
    * periods of lawful residence in Australia but not as a permanent resident solely because of an administrative error may be treated as periods of permanent residence
    * periods of lawful residence in Australia but not as a permanent resident may be treated as a period of permanent residence if a person would otherwise suffer significant hardship or disadvantage
    * periods spent outside Australia by the permanent resident spouse (including de facto spouse), widow or widower of an Australian citizen may be treated as periods in Australia, if they had close and continuing association with Australia during that period
    * periods spent outside Australia by a permanent resident who is in an interdependent relationship with an Australian citizen may be treated as periods in Australia if they had close and continuing association with Australia during that period
    * periods of confinement in a prison or psychiatric institution may be counted towards the residence requirement if it would be unreasonable not to do so, taking into account the circumstances which resulted in the person’s confinement.

Good character

It is the responsibility of a person applying to show that they are of good character.
See: Good character
More information

Further information regarding eligibility is available in Form 1299i.
See: Form 1299i How to apply for Australian citizenship by conferral (88KB PDF file)

作者: 梦想    时间: 25-2-2008 16:39
标题: 关于PR 和雅思的问题
请问什么时候开始申请PR比较合适呢? 听有个本地的学生说最好提前半年开始准备申请PR的资料和开始申请PR,真是这样吗?但问题是怎样知道应该准备些什么资料呢?
作者: 大口吃肉    时间: 26-2-2008 20:13
很详细,多谢小卉。还有点想问问,我现在是master of logstics and supply chain management. 2年的offer. 但是只有12门课。请问够条件申请SIR吗?
作者: teddyqd    时间: 9-6-2008 22:01
Thx very much!
作者: cacy1124    时间: 9-6-2008 23:28
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作者: jh_hammer    时间: 17-6-2008 00:58
3. 英语分+ f. c. z( N) p/ \$ o% q4 e) A
雅思4个6   20 分
雅思4个5   15 分
雅思4个7  25 分
雅思4个6   15 分
作者: cylcyq    时间: 17-10-2008 18:09

作者: wuye2008    时间: 16-2-2009 20:59
作者: 不一样的天空    时间: 21-2-2009 17:52
作者: adc00578    时间: 25-2-2009 22:22
作者: rosszhu    时间: 10-3-2009 01:59
"提出独立技术学生移民申请的学生必须有一个60分的提名职业, 如果你完成过澳洲的博士学位, 那么可以是50分职业"
难道我选的不是60分的职业就不能移民了吗?我想读的是Master of Marketing呢`~~~
作者: 飞天小若    时间: 4-7-2009 15:17
作者: xiaoai    时间: 9-7-2009 12:36
作者: lwl2002    时间: 12-7-2009 17:44
作者: ltdco    时间: 16-7-2009 07:14
作者: 南国春天    时间: 17-7-2009 21:35
作者: lovern@    时间: 28-7-2009 10:51

作者: lovern@    时间: 28-7-2009 10:51
作者: lovern@    时间: 28-7-2009 12:28
作者: maoguoqiang    时间: 31-7-2009 00:14
作者: tina0302    时间: 4-10-2009 12:54
作者: 中国    时间: 4-10-2009 17:10
作者: 坏坏    时间: 23-10-2009 21:42
作者: ttliu99    时间: 26-11-2009 23:56
非常感谢~ 扫盲了~

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