The house is in Richmond , Milner road, near south road,房间清洁整齐。房间提供 single bed,书桌,椅,衣柜,床头柜。其他共用,洗衣机、微波炉、冰箱、烤箱、热水壶等厨具。the room share with otherinternational students.ternet. for 2 single rooms only$110per week, one double room for 2 people $160/week, including all bills and 200Gwireless internet
J1,J2,J3 ,车站5B (Adelaide Uni, UniSA)
167-168 第4站(Adelaide Uni, UniSA)
720 第2站 :(China town, Flinders Uni)
作者: kayan 时间: 29-4-2011 22:49
have any photos of couple room?作者: kgls 时间: 29-4-2011 23:04 本帖最后由 kgls 于 2011-4-29 23:05 编辑
how many people in the house total? i am interesting in the double room 作者: kathyloyxx 时间: 30-4-2011 20:12
160 per person or for two person?thanks作者: best1 时间: 30-4-2011 23:45 回复 kathyloyxx 的帖子
160 for 2, each only 80作者: 不可思议!!! 时间: 1-5-2011 17:28