HAMPS GARDEN RESIDENCE INN 汉苑酒店式家居, 体验现代家庭酒店式居住的全新感受
* Junior Executive Residence in the safe and convenient Northeastern Suburb
* Enjoying comfortable bed & continental/oriental breakfast everyday,
* No worries about cleaning your room during your stay or upon checking out.
* Just rolling in your carry-on luggage and checking in your big check-in luggage cases
* Like a young savvy professional on a business trip.
* Flexible terms on daily, weekly, or monthly basis available.
地理位置: 全新房间位于Hampstead Gardens 近 Klemzig O-Bahn Inter Change 住宿设施: 室内格局实用合理, 安全,整洁,宁静,舒适,温馨. 可调控中央空调,全新冰箱,
洗衣机,微波炉,TPG200G无线网络,有宽敞Off-Street Parking停车位。 交通出行: 交通便利,出门步行2分钟即到公交车站.
1)乘坐Bus 271/273可直达Adelaide University 和City CBD,只需15-20分钟。
2)乘坐Bus 271/273可直达Tee Tree Plaza Shopping Center 享受购物;
3)乘坐环线Bus 100/300, 可到达更多地点。 周边环境: 购物生活方便,附近步行5分钟可到Shopping Center 有Coles,The Reject Shop, Priceline
以及华人超市。 附近还有银行ATM机,Post Office, Library, Pizza 店,
Reservation Hotline in Australia M 0425 13 1688 QQ 113 1700 536
Reservation Hotline in China M 0138 1688 6112 MSN [email protected]作者: davidzau 时间: 19-2-2011 16:06 本帖最后由 davidzau 于 2011-2-20 10:44 编辑
Thank you for your interest. Please call our reservation number for further inquiries and booking.
Hamps Garden Residence Inn
-----人在他乡异国旅行, 家在汉苑酒店屋居作者: davidzau 时间: 10-3-2011 09:42
Thank you for your interest in Hamps Garden Residence Inn. We will have hotel rooms available after March 16. Please call our reservation number for further inquiries and make your booking.
HAMPS GARDEN RESIDENCE INN 汉苑酒店式家居, 体验现代家庭酒店式居住的全新感受
*Junior Executive Residence in the safe and convenient Northeastern Suburb
*Enjoying comfortable bed & continental breakfast everyday,
*No worries about cleaning your room during your stay or upon checking out.
*Just rollingin your carry-on luggage and checking in your big check-in luggage cases
*Like a youngsavvy professional on a business trip.
*Flexibleterms on daily, weekly, or monthly basis available.