有谁有整套房屋出租 房间在3—5间房间为宜 距离city不要太远 地区安全 环境相对较好 有家具有网络 3间房间的房屋租金 最好不要超过350刀为宜 5间希望也不要太贵 同时也考虑想租单人间 希望离city近 坐车不超过15分钟 走路也可以到最好 房屋地区安全 90—110全包(价格高于这个的非诚勿扰谢谢) 本人不查帖子 Q联系谢谢 主要想知道房间室友情况和住房交通情况 还有图片最好整租的QQ 1390945474作者: DuckDuck 时间: 19-11-2010 10:29
Hi!I have a 5 bedroom house for $450 including furniture ar!! Please call me 0430599356 but take 20 min to city! The location is very good and security ! Big area! SMS me first then I can call u back!!作者: rayliu0806 时间: 19-11-2010 11:57
I have a 3bedroom townhouse ,full furniture,close to bus stopn,shopping centre,10min to city .phone 0430079373作者: rayliu0806 时间: 19-11-2010 12:01
the rent is 300$/week,作者: florence 时间: 19-11-2010 12:17
http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=177078&extra=page%3D3作者: florence 时间: 19-11-2010 12:18
http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=177078&extra=page%3D3作者: zhoujinlingx 时间: 19-11-2010 12:28
在city附近,走路大概15分钟,上下双层house,一共就两个人住,卧室均在楼上,楼下是living room,反正房子看了你不想走就对了,很漂亮。不过不能110全包,地段好得很!150全包
现在出租其中的一间单人间,或者整套take也行。觉得条件合适可以联系我,3手机:0430168711,QQ948187334作者: hellohellochina 时间: 25-11-2010 10:39
Brandnew 3 bedroom Townhouse located at Oaklands park, 2 minutes 2 Coles, 5 minutes to oaklands park train station straight to city 15 minutes.10 minutes walk to Marion shopping centre! Fully furnitured, all double bed. 200GB internet. 380$ for whole place, 130$/week for one single room. Look forward to arrange time to inspect! Contact me at 0433841686 any time! Can move in anytime if u want ^_^作者: hellohellochina 时间: 25-11-2010 10:39
Brandnew 3 bedroom Townhouse located at Oaklands park, 2 minutes 2 Coles, 5 minutes to oaklands park train station straight to city 15 minutes.10 minutes walk to Marion shopping centre! Fully furnitured, all double bed. 200GB internet. 380$ for whole place, 130$/week for one single room. Look forward to arrange time to inspect! Contact me at 0433841686 any time! Can move in anytime if u want ^_^作者: hellohellochina 时间: 25-11-2010 21:46
http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=182690&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D31作者: 田野里的小鼹鼠 时间: 27-11-2010 17:37
王子公寓 可住3-4人 整租 $450 包水煤家具 有意请联系0433981909作者: zzz123 时间: 27-11-2010 22:44
http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=183399&extra=作者: kankan 时间: 28-11-2010 00:20
西面 Port Road 四卧室的house,两房间出租 一大一小 带新中央空调