电话:0411212887作者: 章鱼子 时间: 8-11-2010 07:36
richmond三房整套出租,三间都是大房,可住couple,可住single,有部分家具。 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=174038作者: oliverche722 时间: 8-11-2010 08:29
Hi I have a 5 bedrooms house with full furniture 1 toilet 1 bathroom, 2 aircons, security fencing, 2 drive ways! 5 set of bedrooms' funi, extra 1 study table! Tv, sofa (3sets), washing machine, kitchen all u need! And much more!! 20min bus to city! 2 min walk to bus stop and big shopping centre! $450! If u interest in having air con per room and extra 1 toilet and bathroom! $500 per week! It is good location to being second landlord Cos it has two living areas and we use Pre paid power card! Can control how much u want to spend per month!! Thank you! Welcome for inspection! 作者: lili68 时间: 8-11-2010 09:10 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... hlight=130%2Bgranny作者: spiggy1 时间: 14-11-2010 10:51 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=174559作者: firle 时间: 15-11-2010 13:17
适合两个朋友 ,或一个人住
一分钟可走到附近的第13站,可乘102 104 105到阿大或UNISA,只需10分钟,方便阿大学生或者在Grenfell St读语言的同学
单人住115一周+share bill
双人住135一周+share bill