QQ:873116758, 0433998238(3)作者: coolwei1988 时间: 1-11-2010 17:47
digndingidnigdingidngi作者: LYW 时间: 1-11-2010 21:01
dingidngidngidngdingidngidn作者: maggiett 时间: 2-11-2010 01:11 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... %3Bfilter%3D2592000
0430278856 Maggie作者: 小小胖子 时间: 2-11-2010 01:15
west richmond 有双人房出租,有空调,有兴趣联系我,0430912050作者: LYW 时间: 2-11-2010 15:48
继续求couple房,越北越好。。。价格便宜哈。。PS要有网{:4_165:}。。。作者: 姚厶予 时间: 2-11-2010 16:10
北区pooraka有房出租,近南澳大学 Mawson Lakes 校区两分钟车程,开车18分钟到City阿大校区,坐公车T501 or 222大概30分钟到。门口有公交车站,购物方便对面就有超市,近大型shopping center,包水电气及宽带,宽带180GB,有卫星电视。招租不养宠物,讲卫生人士。¥120/每人/每周,提包入住。本人是房东自住房,有太太和6岁女儿三人同住。有意请联系QQ1161877470作者: LYW 时间: 2-11-2010 19:25
顶顶顶顶顶顶。。。。。继续求房。。。作者: LYW 时间: 2-11-2010 23:23
顶顶顶顶。。。。salisbury 附近也可以。。。作者: kankan 时间: 3-11-2010 12:37 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=171541
欢迎 来看房。作者: 姚厶予 时间: 3-11-2010 19:06
北区pooraka有房出租,近南澳大学 Mawson Lakes 校区两分钟车程,开车18分钟到City阿大校区,坐公车T501 or 222大概30分钟到。门口有公交车站,购物方便对面就有超市,近大型shopping center,包水电气及宽带,宽带180GB,有卫星电视。招租不养宠物,讲卫生人士。¥120/每人/每周,提包入住。本人是房东自住房,有太太和6岁女儿三人同住。有意请联系QQ1161877470作者: LYW 时间: 4-11-2010 07:25
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: 纳兰容若 时间: 4-11-2010 07:51
salisbury north, would you be interested? 0421780613作者: LYW 时间: 4-11-2010 10:08 回复 13#纳兰容若
someone give me the price for couple (all included)is 120,
what is ur price for couple then??
and what is the detail about the room?作者: 纳兰容若 时间: 4-11-2010 11:52
回复 纳兰容若
someone give me the price for couple (all included)is 120,
what is ur p ...
LYW 发表于 2010-11-4 10:08
It is a nice and cozy house, three bed-room full furnished. Two rooms with build in. I can't upload photos at work.作者: 纳兰容若 时间: 4-11-2010 12:04
But I would like to upload photos after work if you are interested. The house is owned and lived by ourselves and maintained very well. It has never been rented out either by previous owner or by us. As we are thinking of moving to city by any chance, there would be possible to rent three rooms to nice, neat and compatible people.作者: LYW 时间: 4-11-2010 12:10 回复 16#纳兰容若
could u pls give me a price for couple and the whole?作者: 63086583 时间: 4-11-2010 19:38
i am interested as well, could you contact me to send some photos?
QQ:63086583作者: 纳兰容若 时间: 14-11-2010 12:07 回复 17#LYW