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标题: 求助关于南澳大二会计选课问题 [打印本页]

作者: jingjingyang    时间: 26-10-2010 18:08
标题: 求助关于南澳大二会计选课问题
本帖最后由 jingjingyang 于 2010-10-28 15:54 编辑

现在开始选大二的课了 但是不知道选什么好  有没有南澳的前辈们 给我点意见啊  
我学的是会计 现在纠结是的 到底是直接那个毕业证呢 还是往cpa发展   还有啊  那些选修课  哪些容易过一点啊  有没有前辈给点意见啊  我真的是很是郁闷纠结啊 谢谢啦
First Half (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)                           
Management Accounting
Finance and Investment
Financial Accounting 2
Elective (see Notes 5 & 6)
Second Half (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)                           
Financial Accounting 3
Introduction to Management
(New title from 2010: Management Principles)
Corporations and Partnership Law  or Elective (see Notes 3 & 4)
Elective (see Notes 5 & 6)

3,Students who wish to satisfy the educational requirements for admission to the professional program of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (to qualify as a chartered accountant) must take the professional accounting minor which comprises:
LAWS 2005 Corporations and Partnership Law (taken in study period 5 of second year)
ACCT 3005  Auditing Theory and Practice (taken in study period 2 of third year)
ACCT 3002  Taxation Law 1 (taken in study period 2 of third year)

4,Students who wish to satisfy the educational requirements for admission to the professional program of CPA Australia (to qualify as a CPA) must complete at least
LAWS 2005 Corporations and Partnership Law (taken in study period 5 of second year)
And may take :
ACCT 3005  Auditing Theory and Practice (taken in study period 2 of third year)
ACCT 3002  Taxation Law 1 (taken in study period 2 of third year)

5,One elective course may be chosen from any course offered at the university. All other elective courses should be selected from those offered by the Schools in the Division of Business. However, with the approval of the Program Director, students may choose appropriate courses from outside this Division.

6,Accounting electives are courses offered by the accounting discipline in the School of Commerce. Currently, these courses are:
INFS 2030 Contemporary Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 2013 Cost Management Systems
ACCT 3004 Accounting: Organisational and Social Context
ACCT 2008 Government and Not For Profit Accounting
ACCT 2011 Small Business Accounting
ACCT 2012 Strategic Management Accounting
ACCT 3006 Taxation Law 2
ACCT 3008 Management Control Systems
All of these courses may not be offered every year. In choosing electives and courses generally, students should ensure that they satisfy any requirements.
作者: jingjingyang    时间: 28-10-2010 15:57

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