这个不错 很公平作者: zhuzhuzhuzhu 时间: 25-5-2010 11:13
can you leave your contact number, or call me, so we can communicate in a much better and easy way. thanks linda作者: tiger001 时间: 26-5-2010 08:14 本帖最后由 tiger001 于 2010-5-26 13:38 编辑
[出售二手汽车] Toyota CAMERY For Sale(售车)Price: $4000 o.n.o.
CAMERY For Sale(售车)
---- Economic & Reliable !!!
Make: Toyota CAMERY
Year: 1995
Engine: 2.2 L
Transmission: Automatic
Condition: Excellent
Odometer: around 192,000km
1.Power Steering
2.Power Door Mirrors
3.Very cold air condition
4.6 CD
5.Cruise control
6.Straight body, clean both in & out
7.Good tyres
8.Regular service
Bonus: 1 sets of oil&filter for service, worth around $50