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标题: 反歧视法咨询 woolworths [打印本页]

作者: andrewwang    时间: 9-10-2020 11:35
标题: 反歧视法咨询 woolworths
你好,我是woolworths被local言语攻击的那个受害者,我现在向 Equal opportunity commissioner 提交了complaint。对方说虽然woolwothhs的做法不妥,但是他们没有违反反歧视法,并且引用了“Department of Health v Arumugam”, Dr Arumugam had no direct evidence of discrimination.


“"services to which this Act applies means— (a) access to or use of a place or facilities that members of the public are permitted to enter or use;

51—Criteria for establishing discrimination on ground of race For the purposes of this Act, a person discriminates on the ground of race—
(a) if he or she treats another unfavourably by reason of the other's race;

or (b) if he or she treats another person unfavourably because the other does not comply, or is not able to comply, with a particular requirement and— (i) the nature of the requirement is such that a substantially higher proportion of persons of a different race complies, or is able to comply, with the requirement than of those of the other's race; and (ii) the requirement is not reasonable in the circumstances of the case;

or (c) if he or she treats another unfavourably on the basis of a characteristic that appertains generally to persons of the other's race, or on the basis of a presumed characteristic that is generally imputed to persons of that race;

or (d) if he or she treats another unfavourably because of an attribute of or a circumstance affecting a relative or associate of the other, being an attribute or circumstance described in the preceding paragraphs.  

61—Discrimination in provision of goods and services It is unlawful for a person who offers or provides— (a) goods; or (b) services to which this Act applies, (whether for payment or not) to discriminate against another on the ground of race—  
(d) in the terms or conditions on which or the manner in which the goods are supplied or the services are performed. "

我认为他们违反了S51(b)(c) 和S61 因为他们纵容白人的同时禁止我录像,并在最后强制我离开woolworths并在外面等待警察。


并且问一下是否有其他法律我可以借鉴,比如consumer act或其他相关。 谢谢

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